Consultation tracker

We keep track of all consultations that are on the go and are relevant for lines companies. This is updated each month.
Name Organisation Publication Date Due Date Status Notes
DPP4 — 2025 reset of the electricity default price-quality path Commerce Commission  29/05/2024 12/07/2024 Open 

ENA will work with the RWG to respond to the draft decision

Proposed changes to the default distributor agreement Electricity Authority 3/07/2024 31/07/2024 Open

ENA will work with the RWG to respond

DPP4 — 2025 reset of the electricity default price-quality path — CROSS SUBMISSION Commerce Commission    2/08/2024  


Consultations to resolve common quality issues in the Code Electricity Authority 25/06/2024 20/08/2024 Open

ENA will test with members before considering whether we will respond or not.

Have your say on work health and safety
MBIE 14/6/2024 31/10/2024 Open

ENA will likely submit


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